I Started Weekly Blogging about iOS Dev & CS Topics

I Started Weekly Blogging about iOS Dev & CS Topics

I aim to write weekly blogs on iOS app development and computer science-related topics. This will be a win-win decision as it will help me learn and recall fundamentals. At the same time, it will be a good resource for the community.

I just completed my graduation last month and stepped into iOS application development. I realize there are very few iOS dev-related resources compared to other technology like web or android development. Because of my previous web development background, I can feel how exciting and fun iOS development learning is!

2 iOS related logos-01.png Initially, I will maintain 3 principal in all my blogs. Which are:

  • explain complex things with visualization
  • beginner-friendly language
  • focus on basics

Let me tell you some more about myself. I am S. M. Sajid Hasan Shanta; I completed my graduation in Computer Science and Engineering from North South University with Deep Learning and Computer Vision-based research projects. I am interested in working with iOS app development and exploring the best iOS application development practices with SwiftUI.

nasa space apps challenge-01.png Apart from academics, I have participated in many competitions. I won the 'Second Runner Up' title in NASA Space Apps Challenge 2022. I was engaged in co-curricular activities. During my undergraduate studies, I served as the Web-team Coordinator at NSU ACM Student Chapter.

Lastly, wish me luck, so I can write quality blogs every week and grow with others. And yes! "Knowledge is not power, the sharing of knowledge is power."